تم نشر بحث في مجلة journal of biology agriculture and health careوهو احد بحوث التخرج لطلبة المرحلة الرابعة
تاريخ النشر : 2017-02-26 09:38:35
عدد المشاهدات : 26
تاريخ النشر : 2017-02-26 09:38:35
عدد المشاهدات : 26
The Study of Polyurethane Modified with (Peel the Garlic,
Cooked Tea Leaves and Ash Firewood) as Antibacterial Polymer
Hamed A. Hamdi1 Um Albneen A.A. Ali1 Kassim H. Khalf2
1.Basrah University, College of Education/Qurna , Biology Department.1
General Hospital/Qurna. Basrah , Iraq.2
In this present paper, experimental results on anti-bacterial efficacy of poly urethane foam added to various
contents of Peel the garlic , Cooked tea leaves and Ash firewood) as anti-bacterial agents, were reported. All the
results were obtained after 24 hours of microbial growing .The ratio of doping with Peel the garlic , Cooked tea
leaves and Ash firewood) was 1 to 17 W%. The size of egg shell foils used in this study was (< 400) μm. We
compared the initial adhesion and growth of positive and negative gram bacteria . Bacteria brought from
microbiology laboratory in Qurna general hospital after insuring them by tests like Gram stain test ,Catalas
test ,Manitol test, Urease test, H2S and Citrate tests Coagulase test, Indol test, Mthyl red and Oxidase tests.
The obtained results showed that the gram positive bacteria had a limited inhibition zone. Furthermore the
obtained results were explained according to the bacterial cell wall and it’s liquid contents.
Man-made materials completely lack defence against microbial growth. Thus, microbial cells attached to any
artificial surface in a moist environment can survive and proliferate. While the cell number increases on the
surface the microbial cells usually start to build up a biofilm, which consists of a polysaccharide matrix with
embedded. Such biofilms allow microbial cells to survive under harsh conditions and the embedded cells are up
to 1,000 times less susceptible to most antibiotics and other biocides which may affect the safety of people (1).
In recent years antimicrobial polymers have gained interest from both academic research and industry
because of their potential to provide high-quality life and safety benefits to people(2) . Antimicrobial polymers
are the up and coming new class of disinfectants, which can be used even as an alternative to antibiotics in some
cases. Interestingly, antimicrobial polymers can be tethered to surfaces without losing their biological activity,
which enables the design of surfaces that kill microbes without releasing biocides(3).
Antimicrobial polymers have been known since 1965, when Cornell and Dunraruma described
polymers and copolymers prepared from 2-methacryloxytroponones that kill bacteria(4).
Several modifications have been developed with the aim of discouraging microbial adhesion to
polymers where micro-organisms tend to adhere strongly to surfaces at the onset of formation of a complex
adhering microbial community, called a biofilm (5-10).
Metals, such as copper and silver, can be extremely toxic to bacteria at
exceptionally low concentrations. Because of this biocide activity, metals have been widely used as
antimicrobial agents in a multitude of applications related with agriculture, healthcare, and the industry in
Antimicrobial polymers therefore are highly demanded as a strategy to avoid HAIs and they can be
prepared either by embedding a biocide agent into the polymer bulk, for instance, during their processing or by
applying surface coatings (12–16).
The aim of this study was to compare the initial adhesion and surface growth of positive and negative
gram bacteria on modified polyurethane foam doped with local additives.
2-Experimental Work:
Pure polyurethane prepared by reacting a liquid isocyanate with a liquid blend of polyols where a mixing for a
minute is required where the weight ratio (1:1) is used . The modified polyurethane is prepared by adding
various contents ratios(1 gm , 3 gm , 5 gm , 10 gm and 17gm ) of (Peel the garlic , Cooked tea leaves and Ash
firewood) where the addtion process invoved during mixing inatial components of polyurethane foam. Both pure
and modified polyurethane foam have been prepared in the shape of disc by using the preparing method
mentioned in reference (10), where all preparation processes were made in biology depart ments labratories with
the help of polymer research center in Basrah university ). The radius of these discs was 5 mm . All addtives
were obtained from local houses, the average egg shell size used in this work was (< 400) μm. Table (1), . After
that, nutrient agar was prepared and 20 ml was spread on each Petri dish, where the radius of these Petri dishes
was 90 mm. This step is followed by inoculation with 0.1 ml of suspension with optical density (OD) on 540 nm
by spectrophotometer. Pure and modified polyurethane discs are subjected to be attacted by by gram positve
bactera( staphylococcus aureus ) and Gram negative bactera (E. Coli). These bacteria have been provided by
microbiology laboratory in Qurna general hospital after insuring them by biological diagnostic tests (Gram
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.6, No.12 2016
stain test, Catalas test, Manitol test, Urease, test, H2S test, Citrate test, Coagulase test, Indol, Mthyl red test and
Oxidase test ). All Petri dishes were left for almost 15to 30 minutes until dried and by that time all polyurethane
discs were distributed in Petri dishes and kept in incubator under 37 C º for 24 hours. All Petri dishes were taken
out from the incubator in order to study both bacterial adhesion and growth on polymeric discs along 24 hours.
Figure(1) shows modified foam dopped with the three types ofadditives were a difference in morphology appears
according to the added maetrial.
Figure(1) The modified polyIJ اurethane foam and the added materials
3-Results and Discusion:
In many applications, the object that needs to be protected from microbial infestation is subjected to be attacked
Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.6, No.12 2016
by more than one variety and species of microorganisms(17) , thus, two opposit types of bacteria were used to test
the adhesion and growing of bacteria on the rough surface of poly urethane discs which were involved in this
study. All measurements have been obtained as a function of doping ratio with Peel the garlic , Cooked tea
leaves and Ash firewood.
The obtained results for polyurethane fomas moddified with both Peel the garlic showed that Both
negative and bositive bacteria growing was normal around discs . No noticeable changes of this grwoing with
the increasing of doping ratio with peel the garlic. No inhibtion zone for all doping ratio.
Same results was obtained for polyurethane foam modified with ash firewood.A small inhibtion zone
obtained with discs of polyurethane modifed with cooked tea leaves with the diameter (0.5 – 1) cm.
The last result can be explained in terms the compositions of tea leaves which contains polyphenols ,
anti-oxidant called Balafs where it has the ability to fight viruses such as Alanfelonzha, dysentery, hepatitis, and
also contains a compound called (theophylline.Also the tea leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals such as
magnesium, potassium, zinc and some tannin polyphenols and essential antioxidants such as tannin and
Alkuanin, purine, xanthine.
The vanishing of inhibition zone around other polyurethane discs due to theincrement of the
attachment of both microbes used in this study were this attachement depends on several parameters such as
flexibility, surface morphology and the existing voids in polymeric matrix where these voids are a suitable place
for bacterial growing
Figure (2) shows the stages of the growth of both (E.coli) and (staphylococcus aureus ) bacteria on
modified polyurethane foam added with Peel the Garlic , Cooked Tea Leaves and Ash Firewood
Figure(2): The modified polyuretahne discs as antibacterial polymer
4- Conclusion :
The obtained results showed that the growing of (staphylococcus and E. Coil) was different from one Petri dish
to another according to the filler contents and the type of (peel the garlic , cooked tea leaves and Ash Firewood)
in addition to the cell wall weither positive or negative and how much it contains lipids where these lipids play a
big role in the interaction between bacteria and the polarity of the components of of (peel the garlic , cooked tea
leaves and Ash Firewood). A limited inhibtion zone is obtained were this imitation is a function of the physicochemical
properties of the microbial and biomaterial surfaces .
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Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare www.iiste.org
ISSN 2224-3208 (Paper) ISSN 2225-093X (Online)
Vol.6, No.12 2016
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